Welcome To The Toy Cupboard

Our Toy Cupboard is stocked with treasured memories from cherished teddy bears, stuffed animals and other well-loved toys of yesteryear. It is always open, so please feel free to browse around.

Hopefully the stories found upon our shelves will unlock a memory or two about a beloved stuffed animal or special toy from your childhood. If you'd like to contribute to our collection of Toy Stories, click here!

Oh and by the way...we old bears just love comments!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Johnny's tale

I am a bashed about bear with the name of Johnny.

It's not a name I would have chosen myself but my young 'cuddler' thought it suited me fine. When she was six and I was very nearly the same height as her, she would dress me in baby clothes, much to my annoyance.

I am a male bear forced into wearing frilly dresses that hid even bigger flowery bloomers. To make matters worse, I made a fantastic grisly bear growl when I was turned upside down. I didn't mind being hung up by my legs but hated the fact the dress would drop down to reveal my shreddies (knickers to you).

Whatever game was happening with the family I lived with (three girls and a boy), I always made an appearance. I think my height made me have an advantage over the small Action Man or Barbie and all those farm toys that would be placed around me as I was plonked onto the duvet (an imaginary field).

I had many homes as we moved often, 13 times to be precise, but I was always taken along, and if I played my cards right always had a place on a warm knee in the car as we drove to a new house.

The household eventually disbanded as the children grew to be adults and flew the nest, and the parents retired.

I ended up somehow living in my owners sister's house. And one day she de-cluttered her home and took me along with a lot of other toys and books and clothes to the local tip in the centre of the universe.

I am ok ... I now live in a dump along with other unwanted bears and well loved children's toys waiting to be recycled. I may come back as garden compost, or a pack of recycled envelopes or if I am lucky even a charm bracelet.

.................................................................[post provided by Sunny at Random Place of Mind]


SnOwY bEaR said...

oh Johnny thank you for posting. I know it must have been hard for you to 'fess that you are like 'Stig of the Dump'
You must smell awfully by now after so many years being in landfill.

Iam intrigued as to who you may have met whilst being there on the rubbish (garbage for across the pond viewers)... am I right to assume you have actually met friends and are not a complete 'Billy no mates'
If you are the latter then be reassured you will find mates on here

Thank you for sharing <3 to you

Grumpy Ted said...

This is the sort of behaviour I'm talking about, if I could talk of course.
Us toys must stick together!!! [after Johnny has had a shower ...... obviously]

MYM said...

A charm bracelet would be nice :) Maybe you'll come back as something more manly, seeing how you had to wear frilly stuff at one time.