Welcome To The Toy Cupboard

Our Toy Cupboard is stocked with treasured memories from cherished teddy bears, stuffed animals and other well-loved toys of yesteryear. It is always open, so please feel free to browse around.

Hopefully the stories found upon our shelves will unlock a memory or two about a beloved stuffed animal or special toy from your childhood. If you'd like to contribute to our collection of Toy Stories, click here!

Oh and by the way...we old bears just love comments!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

wHat A beaR wiTh nO nAme??

He was made for me when I was a baby by a friend of the family, so I know he is 100% unique!

He has been through a lot with me, all my childhood ups and downs and now he is retired and spends his days sitting in a cupboard.

He's not a traditional bear, and in recent years people have called him down right ugly, but I don't care, he was the one who got me through some bad times as a child.

He went to teddy bear hospital (my Mum) several times as his arms kept working loose.

His clothes are rather odd and holey, and I really don't remember where they came from - I can't imagine they were the original ones!

Posed by conributed by lady banana


Grumpy Ted said...

I'm feeling a lot better about my own condition now ......

70steen said...

what a faithful well loved bear :-)

Jackie said...

Oh my gosh I hadn't thought to search at Slide.

Hummm...a project.

Oh if it works I will be able to do this....wow..thanks for helping a some what slow woman here!!:-)

SnOwY bEaR said...

70s can't get used to how sensitive her new lappy top is .... *snigger*

Busy Bear said...

I think we might be distant cousins! Enjoy your retirement ol' bear!

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Who are all these teddy bears? has the world gone mad?