Welcome To The Toy Cupboard

Our Toy Cupboard is stocked with treasured memories from cherished teddy bears, stuffed animals and other well-loved toys of yesteryear. It is always open, so please feel free to browse around.

Hopefully the stories found upon our shelves will unlock a memory or two about a beloved stuffed animal or special toy from your childhood. If you'd like to contribute to our collection of Toy Stories, click here!

Oh and by the way...we old bears just love comments!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Colin (the cardboard box)

Hello - my name is Colin (the cardboard box).

As you can see I've been really loved and played with for my whole life. Originally I contained toilet paper in a warehouse in Sidcup - it was dark and gloomy. Conversation was dull - 'what have you got in you today?' 'toilet roll?' 'yeah - me too...'
One day I was thrust into the open air - a beautiful alleyway in Mottingham. Partially covered in soiled clothes and cat urine I thought this would be the way I would spend my days till deaths final release.
Then along came Daddy Papersurfer - he saved my life - took me home and gave me to Papersurfer for Christmas. Oh you should have seen his little face - lit up like a Lampost from Skegness.
Since that day my life has been just perfect - different objects thrust in and out of my open orifice for years. In and out. In and out.
Even when I became weak and flaccid he still loved me - dripping soothing warm oil on me from his car sump in the garage. Such devotion...
Now - finally - my useful life is over but he still continues to adore me as I am scrunched lovingly into a giant green care home filled with thousands of friends...


penfold said...

Oh Colin... *sniff*
You were such a good friend to me.
I can't speak anymore...

SnOwY bEaR said...

Colin the cardboard box will be with you through your pubby years Pen... he will be nustling with Johnny RIP who is also up for a recycling process... maybe you too could be a charm braclet???
Keep in the front of your mind/box recycling is good.

Daddy Papersurfer said...

I'm a bit disappointed that Penfold didn't look after you better Colin .... cardboard doesn't grow on trees you know [well it does in a way I suppose]

Anonymous said...

Obviously Penfold was overindulged.

John C said...

That wasn't a box blogging...that was Grumpy Ted vexing us with sympathy trips.

When grumpiness turns to storytelling it's time to seek professional help.

(I am the pot and the kettle is black)

Busy Bear said...

Cardboard certainly plays a pivotal part in the Papersurfer household, doesn't it?

Daddy Papersurfer said...


SnOwY bEaR said...

Thank goodness corrugated cardboard wasn't involved.. that is a really crazy mixed up kind!!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

HAHAHA! Colin the Cardboard Box! HAHAHA!

Hey, we kno sum peepol in Sidcup.....

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Oh dear oh dear ...... hello Bob .....